Performance reaches new peaks
Ready to prepare your sample into either a glass disk (for XRF) or an acid solution (for ICP, AA or wet chemistry), Katanax fluxers can adapt to the most specific sample type with an ease never featured on any fusion machine.
You can rely on Katanax to deliver perfect samples, no matter what kind of business you are in:
Click in the left menu, below "Products" to learn more about our fusion machines and accessories, or directly click below on the fluxer of your choice:
- Up to 3 samples at a time
- Up to 15 samples/h
- 3000 W
- Flexible and reliable
- Six samples at a time
- 24-30 samples/h
- 4000 W
- Enhanced robustness
Our instruments are designed with the fusion and the user in mind, so not only do they produce extremely accurate samples, they also do it quickly, safely and simply.